【名家論壇】醫療英文專業用語之歧視及演進-從美國醫療界「R」字的使用爭議上 討論如何重新建立醫療團隊與病患在用字遣詞上的信任關係(下)

【名家論壇】醫療英文專業用語之歧視及演進-從美國醫療界「R」字的使用爭議上 討論如何重新建立醫療團隊與病患在用字遣詞上的信任關係(下)
【名家論壇】醫療英文專業用語之歧視及演進-從美國醫療界「R」字的使用爭議上 討論如何重新建立醫療團隊與病患在用字遣詞上的信任關係(下)



“mental retardation” -> “intellectual disability” (有關智能障礙)

“retarded” -> “developmentally delayed” or “person with developmental disabilities” (有關發展障礙者)

“mentally handicapped” -> “person with intellectual disabilities” or “person with cognitive challenges” (有關智能或認知障礙者)

“crippled” or “handicapped” -> “physically challenged” or “person with a disability” (有關身障人士)

“deaf-mute” -> “deaf” or “person who is deaf” (有關聾啞人士)

“invalid” or “shut-in” -> “homebound,” “person with limited mobility,” or “person with mobility impairment” (有關行動障礙者)

“elderly” or “senior citizen” -> “older adults” or “older people”(有關年長者)

“geriatric” or “senile” -> “older adult” or “person with age-related conditions” (有關與年齡相關症狀者)

“schizophrenic” or “schizo” -> “person with schizophrenia” (有關精神分裂症者)

“psycho” or “lunatic” -> “person with mental health challenges” or “individual with psychiatric disorder” (有關心理健康問題者)

“crazy” or “insane” -> “person with a mental health condition” or “person experiencing a psychiatric disorder” (有關精神健康問題者)

“mentally disturbed” or “psychotic” -> “person with a mental health disorder” or “person experiencing psychosis” (有關精神健康障礙者)

“lunatic” or “crazy” -> “person with a mental illness” or “individual experiencing mental health challenges” (有關經歷精神健康挑戰的個人)

“mental institution” or “asylum” -> “mental health facility” or “psychiatric hospital” (有關精神健康照護機構)

“mental patient” or “mental case” -> “person with mental illness” or “individual receiving mental health treatment“ (有關精神健康疾病者)

“dwarf” or “midget” -> “person of short stature” (有關身材矮小者)

“obese” -> “person with obesity” or “person who is overweight” (有關超重者)

“substance abuse” -> “substance use disorder” or “substance misuse” (有關藥物使用障礙者)

“hysterical” -> “emotionally distressed” or “in a state of distress” (有關情緒困擾者)

“confined to a wheelchair” -> “wheelchair user” (有關輪椅使用者)

“victim” -> “survivor”  (有關在性侵犯或家暴創傷等情況)

“gender reassignment surgery” or “sex change operation” -> “gender-affirming surgery”(有關性別確認手術)

“homosexual” -> “gay” or “lesbian”(有關性取向)

“homosexual lifestyle” or “homosexual lifestyle choice” -> “sexual orientation” or “sexual identity” (有關性取向或性認同)

“junkie” or “drug addict” -> “person with a substance use disorder” or “individual with substance dependency” (有關具有藥物使用依賴的個人)

“alcoholic” or “drunk” -> “person with alcohol use disorder” or “individual experiencing alcohol dependence”(有關經歷酒精依賴的個人)

“caucasian” or “oriental” -> “white” or “Asian” (有關白人或亞裔人士)

“negro” or “colored” -> “black” or “African American” (有關黑人或非洲裔美國人)

“epileptic” -> “person with epilepsy”(有關癲癇症狀者)

“prostitute” or “whore” -> “sex worker” or “person in the sex industry” (有關性行業人士”

“bedridden” -> “confined to bed” or “person who is immobile” (有關無法活動者)

“amputee” -> “person with limb loss” or “individual with limb difference”(有關肢體殘缺者)

“Mongoloid” or “Mongoloid idiocy” -> “person with Down syndrome” or “individual with trisomy 21″(有關唐氏症患者或是21三體症候群患者)

“chronic fatigue syndrome” -> “myalgic encephalomyelitis” or “ME/CFS”(有關肌痛性腦脊髓炎) “quadriplegic” or “paraplegic” -> “person with quadriplegia” or “person with paraplegia” (有關四肢癱瘓者)

“gangrene leg” -> “person with gangrene affecting the leg” (有關壞疽影響腿部的個人)

“AIDS patient” -> “person living with HIV/AIDS” or “HIV-positive individual” (有關愛滋病毒陽性者)

“sexually transmitted disease” (STD) -> “sexually transmitted infection” (STI) (有關性傳染)

“transvestite” or “cross-dresser” -> “gender nonconforming” or “person who dresses in clothing typically associated with a different gender” (有關穿著與不同性別相關衣服的個人)

“tranny” or “shemale” -> “transgender” or “trans person“ (有關跨性別者)

“incurable” -> “chronic” or “manageable” (有關慢性或可控制的)

“handicapped parking” -> “accessible parking” or “parking for people with disabilities” (有關無障礙停車位)

“nursing home” -> “long-term care facility” or “skilled nursing facility” (有關專業護理機構)

“demented” -> “person with dementia” or “individual experiencing cognitive decline” (有關認知能力下降的個體) “comatose” or “vegetative state” -> “unresponsive” or “minimally conscious state” (有關最低意識狀態)

“freak” or “freak show” -> “person with a unique appearance” or “individual with physical diversity” (有關具有身體多樣性的個體)

“nappy” or “kinky” -> “natural” or “coily” (有關黑色的捲髮)

“failed suicide attempt” -> “suicide attempt” or “nonfatal suicide attempt” (有關非致命自殺未遂)

“personality disorder” -> “psychopath” or “sociopath” (有關反社會行為)

“welfare queen” or “lazy welfare recipient” -> “person receiving government assistance” or “individual in need of social support” (有關需要社會支持的個人)

“cancer victim” -> “cancer survivor” or “person living with cancer” (有關癌症患者)

以上這些醫療用語的變化,正反映出在醫療照護的層面中, 不斷努力使用更尊重、包容、以及更加強調以人為中心思維的語言。





【名家論壇】帕金森氏症與粒線體失能的關係 – 從被活化的大腦神經微膠細胞中的發炎小體談起

【名家論壇】醫療英文專業用語之歧視及演進-從美國醫療界「R」字的使用爭議上 討論如何重新建立醫療團隊與病患在用字遣詞上的信任關係(上)



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